Blowing, or emptying a chicken egg, while leaving the shell intact is fun an
easy and creates a shell that can be decorated and kept for years. As long as
you are gentle with it. Goose, duck and hens' eggs can be "blown"; making a
small pin hole both ends of the raw egg and the contents are blown out. The egg is
then decorated: dyed, painted, carved, appliqued, etc. Here's how to do it!
Easter Egg Hunt, Parade and Event Listings
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Fun Factory tours: factories, places and operations to tour
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Pick Your Own Farms for fruit, veg
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Local Honey, apiaries, beekeepers
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Home canning supplies at the best prices on the internet!
Maple Syrup Farms, sugarworks, maple syrup festivals
Environmental information and resources
Farms For Your Event for birthday parties, weddings, receptions, business meetings, retreats, etc.
Festivals - local fruit and vegetable festivals